Tag: PHP
Tag: PHP
How Do I Embed / Iframe Another Website Into My Own?
Would you like to incorporate an existing site, such as google.com, into your website? Follow these few simple PHP scripts. 1. Create a sample “sampleindex.php” file to use as the other site’s iframe. <iframe src="http://localhost/sample_embed/preview.php" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0"></iframe> 2. Create a new file called “preview.php” and paste the following code inside then save. <?php $_GET
Read MoreHow To Remove PHP Extensions From Your Hostinger Website Using An Htaccess File
If you’re looking to enhance the appearance and functionality of your Hostinger-hosted website, removing the .PHP extension from your URLs can give it a cleaner and more professional look. In this article, we will provide you with a basic guide on how to achieve this using an .htaccess file. Let’s get started! Step 1: Accessing
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